Using the Windows Scandisk utility
Windows has a built in utility for checking your hard drive for errors. Most casual users aren't aware of it or what it does and I won't explain that here. The purpose of this page is to guide you through the process of performing the Scandisk procedure so here we go...
- Click on the start icon in the lower left side of the Taskbar.
- Click on 'Programs'.
- Click on 'Accessories' and then on 'System Tools'.
- Click on 'Scandisk' and in the accompanying popup dialog, choose the drive (typically "(C:)") you wish to scan.
- Check the box labeled 'Automatically fix errors' and then click 'Start' .
- After the Scandisk is done, click on 'OK' then 'Close' if your finished or choose the next drive and repeat steps 4 through 6.
Congratulations! You just performed one of the basic maintenance procedures that keeps Windows 95/98 running at it's best! Good job!
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